System Keys for Accounts Payable

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System Key
PLABCANAL Are analysis codes defined on the supplier record to be validated? Type YES or NO.
PLADVANCE Advances printing in cash entry? Type YES if you want to use the advances facility. This will give you the option of printing advances and/or cheques for advances within Cash entry. It will also allow you to allocate invoice items to unallocated cash items within Invoice entry. Type NO if you do not wish to use the advances facility.
PLALTCURR Accounts Payable default alternative currency. Enter the default alternative currency, this will be overridden if an alternative currency exists for an individual supplier. This should be a valid currency code.
PLARCHDIR Database for PL archive file. This system key can be used to store archived data for Accounts Payable in a different database. Set the value to the archive database name followed by ! (exclamation mark). For example, to use database demo, type demo!. If the value is left blank, the current company database will be used.
PLAUTH Do invoices have to be authorised? Type YES if any invoices need to be authorised before being posted to the Open Item file. Type NO if invoices never require authorisation.
PLBACSMAX Maximum item amount allowed to be paid by BACS. Enter the maximum permitted amount per item for payments that are to be paid through BACS, i.e. payment batches which have payment type B. Note that when the Remittance Advices option or the Create Payments List option is run for M (Manual) type payments, any items for suppliers with payment type B (BACS) that exceed the amount held in this system key, will be selected for payment.
PLBACSREF The field to be used for the BACS supplier reference. Type NAME to use the supplier name (default). Type IR to use the HMRC reference. Leave blank to use the supplier name. The HMRC reference can be entered against a supplier by activating fields ir_reference and ir_reference_p on the Supplier entry form. Applies to both the BACS and Electronic Payments modules. For BACS, only the first 18 characters are used.
PLBAFORMAT The default output format for payments sourced from Accounts Payable.
PLBANK Default bank code. Type a two-character code from the Accounts Payable Bank file to identify the bank account to which cash payments are normally posted. For example, NW to indicate that cash is usually posted to the bank with the code NW (National Westminster).
PLBANKNAME Bank name. Type the name of the company's bank. For example, National Westminster Bank plc .
PLBANKORDR Company name. The name of the company which is to be printed on the line of each credit transfer headed `By Order of', for example, ACME Enterprises Ltd.
PLBANKTOWN Bank Branch. The name of the branch at which the company's bank account is held. For example, High Street, Townville.
PLBFORWARD Are balance forward suppliers allowed? Type YES if the outstanding debts to selected suppliers are to be grouped into `balance forward' items at the end of each month. Otherwise, type NO.
PLCBPOST Post to Cash Management? If the Cash Management is installed, type YES if payments are to be posted to Cash Management through the Cash Batch Entry/Posting program. Otherwise, type NO.

This key is used when producing remittance advices and cheques. It is also used in Cash Management if CBCHEQNAME is set and a remittance advice and cheque is being generated for a supplier. Should you require an extended name to be printed on remittance advices and cheques type in a number (maximum 80) for the length of the extended name and use your Forms Designer to unsuspend the following fields:

  • cheque_name1_p and cheque_name1 on the Suppliers, main details form pl, supplier_maintenance, page1 or the extra details form pl, supplier_maintenance, page2.
  • cheque_name1 on the print form pl, remittance_advices, print_form2 if system key CHEQLANG is set to NO, or if CHEQLANG is set to YES, pl, remittance_advices, print_form3.
  • cheque_name1 on the print form pl, remittance_advices, print_form, subform supplier_header and/or total_line for the remittance advice.

Note that the Data Dictionary entry for purchase_supp_cn is required.

Leave this system key blank if you do not wish to use an extended supplier's name on remittance advices and cheques.

PLCLOSZERO If a zero value Sales Invoice has been posted it will be set to Closed. If the key is missing or not set to YES the Sales Invoice will be Open.
PLCONSREM Consolidate invoices into a single remittance advice for Electronic Payments? Type YES for invoices to be consolidated into a single remittance advice. Type NO if invoices must not be consolidated for payment.
PLCONTEFF Are General Ledger control account posting transactions to be grouped by effective date? Type YES if a General Ledger control account posting is to be generated for each effective date within the batch being posted. Type NO if a single General Ledger control account posting is to be generated for the batch being posted. The date of the control account posting will be the system date, i.e. the date the batch is posted. Note that this system key is only effective if system key PLCONTPOST is set to BATCH and system key NLDOCPL is set to NO.
PLCONTMETH Control account selection criteria. This system key controls the selection criteria required for grouping control accounts for Accounts Payable. The values of these keys must either be set to an integer between 1 and 6 or left blank. Each of these values indicate which combination of the following selections will be available when setting up Control Accounts in the Control Account Maintenance program: Account Type, Transaction Short Name, Currency Code. If you leave either of the keys blank, none of the selection criteria will be available when creating control accounts. For example, if you decided that you wanted to group your purchase control accounts by account type and currency code but not transaction short name, you would enter 4 for the value of this system key. Consequently, the field `Transaction Short Name' would not be displayed in the Control Account Maintenance program.
PLCONTPOST Level at which Control Account postings are made. This system key indicates the level at which control account postings are made. If this key is set to TRANSACTION, when posting to the General Ledger in detail each transaction will have one control account entry. The transaction reference as well as the batch reference update the General Ledger Transaction file for each control account entry. The effective date for each transaction will be taken from the individual items. If this key is set to BATCH, summarising takes place on a batch and period/year level. The effective date for the batch is taken as the last date of the period/year combination. If this key is set to ITEM, postings are summarised on a cash item basis. The effective date for each transaction is taken from the individual item.
PLCPINDD Which payment term to use when calculating Invoice Due Date when using Enhanced Commercial Papers. Type FIRST to set the invoice due date to the first payment term, or LAST to set the Invoice Due Date to the last payment term. Credit notes will have their Due Date set to the transaction date.
PLCPYMAT Determines the action to be taken if a user attempts to reverse a matched or partially matched Accounts Payable invoice. Type WARN to issue a warning. Type PREVENT to prevent the reversal of the invoice. [ Applies to DA1176 only ]
PLCSHPOST Has cash been posted since last audit trail run? This system key prevents execution of the Period-End program before up-to-date audit trails have been produced for cash batches. Set it to NO before starting live operations in the Accounts Payable. Thereafter, it is set automatically by the system to YES whenever a cash batch is posted to the Accounts Payable, and back to NO whenever the corresponding audit trail is produced.
PLCURRTYPE General Ledger currency type for payables. Enter a currency type for foreign currency transactions, if they are to be posted to the General Ledger. This must be a valid currency type which is held in General Supporting Files, e.g. 01. For more information regarding currency types, see the Currencies help page.

Default authoriser for Purchase Ledger auto-generated journals.

This system key is only used if General Ledger Journal Authorisation (DA0594) is licensed.

All journals must have an authoriser. This system key is used to assign the authoriser for automatically created journals.

PLDELPHAS1 Delete Phase 1 posted invoices immediately? This system key controls whether Phase 1 posted registered invoices should be deleted immediately or just marked as deleted by the A/P Invoices program. Invoices marked as deleted will appear in the Invoice Audit Trail and will be removed by the Period-End process. Type YES if they are to be deleted immediately. Type NO if they are to be marked as deleted.
PLENDCONT Prevent G/L Period End if unposted batches? This system key is used to prevent the Accounts Payable period end taking place if there are unposted batches. This includes invoices, cash and journals. Type YES if period end can only take place if you have posted all invoices, cash and journal batches. Registered Invoices are excluded. Type NO if you want to be able to run the period end, even when there are unposted transaction batches.
PLFORCDISP Force entry of a dispute code within the Accounts Payable option Re-open Item? This system key is only relevant if your system is licensed to use project DA0800-Open Item Flexible Re-allocation. Type YES if a valid dispute code must always be entered when reopening a closed transaction. The dispute code will be attached to the reopen journal item. Type NO if the entry of a dispute code can be skipped when reopening an item.
PLGOODSUSP General Ledger goods suspense account. Type a valid General Ledger posting code which will be used as the goods suspense account for registered invoices, e.g. 00-00-SUS. When registered invoices are posted, the goods amount will be posted to this account. It will then be reversed out and posted to the relevant detail accounts once the invoice has been coded and posted as a normal invoice.
PLGRPCTRL What level of group account checking on AP invoices? This key is only effective when project DA1159 is licensed. Set the level of group account checking on AP invoices. VALUE - total value of non-group accounts is zero. FULL - additionally, prevent group accounts being entered. NONE - no checking of group or non-group accounts.
PLINBATSEQ Sort sequence of invoices displayed on invoice batch report. This system key controls the sort sequence displayed on the invoice batch report. Type EFF_DATE to sort by effective date. Type OUR_REF to sort by the invoice Our reference number. Type SUPPLIER to sort by supplier account.

This system key is used by project DA0904. Format of the invoice number (defined in PLLASTINVN) as a string of characters and # signs. The # signs defines the numeric sequence numbers. For example the format CC#### with the key PLLASTINVN set to IN1234 would produce the invoice number IN1235.

PLINVPOST Have invoices been posted since last audit trail? This system key prevents execution of the Period-End program before up-to-date audit trails have been produced for invoices. Set it to NO before starting live operations in the Accounts Payable. Thereafter, it is set automatically by the system to YES whenever an invoice batch is posted to the Accounts Payable, and back to NO whenever the corresponding audit trail is produced.
PLINVTSUP Templates from different suppliers to be copied? This system key allows different supplier templates to be copied during invoice entry. Type YES if different supplier templates can be copied. Type NO if only supplier-specific templates can be copied.
PLJCPOST Is the A/P ledger posting to Job Costing? If Job Costing is installed, type YES if expenses are to be entered and posted to the Job Costing records when invoices are posted to the Accounts Payable. Otherwise, type NO.
PLJHOLD Journal Transactions ignore 'X' payment indicator. If this key is set to YES and the supplier payment indicator is set to 'X', journals can still be entered against suspended suppliers, i.e. the stop status will be ignored.
PLJRNPOST Have journals been posted since last audit trail? This system key prevents execution of the Period-End program before up-to-date audit trails have been produced for journal batches. Set it to NO before starting live operations in the Accounts Payable. Thereafter, it is set automatically by the system to YES whenever a journal batch is posted to the Accounts Payable, and back to NO whenever the corresponding audit trail is produced.
PLLASTCSH Last cash number used. This system key holds the sequential numbers which are used for generating cash batch numbers. If batches are to be numbered automatically, type a 4-digit number one less than the first batch number required, for example, 0000 to start numbering batches from 0001. (The prefix PC is added to the number automatically.) Thereafter, the value in this system key will be updated whenever a new batch is created. The system key PLLASTCSHA may be used to increase the number of cash batches available, by generating an alphanumeric batch number.
PLLASTCSHA This system key holds the last generated alphanumeric cash batch. Using this system key allows for an alphanumeric batch, so that a large number of batches can be generated. Leave blank if PLLASTCSH is used instead. The format for the batch number is XNXX where X is any upper case alphabetic character or a numeric (A-Z, 0-9), and N is a numeric character (0-9). Examples: Value 0001, next value is 00020009, next is 000A009Z, next is 00A000AA, next is 00AB00ZZ, next is 010009ZZ, next is 1000. Once the value Z9ZZ has been generated, the automatic batch number generation will stop. It will not return to 0001.
PLLASTINV Last invoice number used. This system key holds the sequential numbers which are used for generating invoice batch numbers. If purchase invoice batches are to be numbered automatically, type a 4-digit number one less than the first batch number required, for example, 0000 to start numbering batches from 0001. (The prefix PI is added to the number automatically.) Thereafter, the value in this system key will be updated whenever a new batch is created. The system key PLLASTINVA may be used to increase the number of cash batches available, by generating an alphanumeric batch number. If the system key POBATCH is set to YES, enter the last purchase invoice batch number used. This is a 4 digit number, e.g. 0007. Note: If the Accounts Payable module has already been set up, this system key will already exist since it defines the last number used for both Accounts Payable and Purchase Order Processing invoice batches.
PLLASTINVA This system key holds the last generated alphanumeric invoice batch. Using this system key allows for an alphanumeric batch, so that a large number of batches can be generated. Leave blank if PLLASTINV is used instead. The format for the batch number is XNXX where X is any upper case alphabetic character or a numeric (AZ, 0-9), and N is a numeric character (0-9). Examples: Value 0001, next value is 00020009, next is 000A009Z, next is 00A000AA, next is 00AB00ZZ, next is 010009ZZ, next is 1000. Once the value Z9ZZ has been generated, the automatic batch number generation will stop. It will not return to 0001.
PLLASTINVN This system key is used by project DA0904. Last invoice number used. The last automatic invoice number generated.
PLLASTJRN Last journal number used. This system key holds the sequential numbers which are used for generating journal batch numbers. If batches are to be numbered automatically, type a four-digit number one less than the first batch number required, for example, 0000 to start numbering batches from 0001. (The prefix PJ is added to the number automatically.) Thereafter, the value in this system key will be updated whenever a new batch is created.
PLLASTOURC Last credit 'Our reference' number. Type the last sequential registration ('our ref') number used for credit note registration. On first setting up the system, if you want your first generated credit note registration number to be, e.g. 00001, then you must type 00000. You can also set this key to PLLASTOURI. This allows credit note 'our reference numbers to be taken from the system key PLLASTOURI instead. This means that both invoice and credit note numbers will be generated from PLLASTOURI.
PLLASTOURI Last invoice 'Our reference' number. Type the last sequential sequential invoice registration ('our ref') number used. On first setting up the system, if you want your first generated invoice registration number to be, e.g. 00001, then you must type 00000.
PLLASTRET Last retention number used. This key will hold the last retention number used. The key ensures that records written to the retention audit file are unique. It is maintained by the system and incremented when an invoice containing retention lines is posted.
PLLASTSUPP Last supplier number. Type the last supplier number that was used. On first setting up the system if you want your first generated supplier number to be e.g. 00001 , then you must type 00000 in this system key setting.
PLLASTVPI The last sequential VAT protocol number used for Accounts Payable invoices. A VAT protocol number is a legal requirement for some European countries. The value of this system key returns to zero after the Period-end has been run. VAT protocol numbers are updated to the VAT Register file against the Accounts Payable VAT for invoices.
PLLASTVPP Last VAT protocol number used for A/P prepayments. Type the last VAT protocol number that was used. On first setting up the system, if you want your first generated VAT protocol number to be, e.g. 000001 then you must type 000000 for this system key (the default).
PLLISTSHRT Populate Cash Item Short Name? This system key can only be used if your system is set up to use Multiple Payments Lists and the Short Name is used to determine which set of control accounts are used (i.e. PLCONTMETH is set to either 1, 2 or 5). Type YES if you wish to populate the short name on each cash item with the short name of the first items on the payments list, for each supplier. This setting can only be used if there is no default set of control accounts for a blank short name, and when all items on the payments list for a supplier have the same short name. Also note that if set to YES and items on the payment list for a supplier have various short names, a warning is given when running the option 'Generate Payments from List'. Type NO if you wish to leave the short name blank on each cash item.
PLMANREF Allocate cash by invoice number or our reference. Type OURREF in the system key if you want the invoice registration number ('Our Ref') to appear on the manual allocation screen in Cash and Journals options. If you want the Invoice Number to appear instead, type INVOICE.
PLMARKPEND Mark invoices on remittance advice as pended? Type YES if you want the Remittance Advice programs to mark all items as `pended', (i.e. the status of the items to be paid will become B ) after they have been run. This will prevent items being paid twice if the Remittance Advices are reprinted before the first payment is posted. This is because, on a reprint, you can choose whether or not to include the pended items. Type NO if the items are to remain at their original status.
PLMAXRMVAL Maximum value per remittance advice. The maximum value (in local currency) allowed for a single remittance advice. A remittance will not be produced if the account balance exceeds this amount and a message will be recorded on the System Log.
PLMODBxxxx Can items be amended in Accounts Payable batch enquiry? This is a composite system key with the format PLMODBxxxx where xxxx is a User Group. To be able to amend items in Accounts Payable batch enquiry your user login must be assigned to a user group e.g. MNGR that has a system key e.g. PLMODBMNGR with a setting of YES.
PLMODV Can VAT lines be amended in Accounts Payable invoice entry? This is a composite system key with the format PLMODVxxxx where xxxx is a User Group. To be able to amend VAT lines in Accounts Payable Invoice entry your user login must be assigned to a user group, e.g. MNGR that has a system key e.g. PLMODVMNGR with a setting of YES.
PLMULTCOMP Is this a multi-company Accounts Payable? Internal multi-company indicator, for running separate accounts for two or more companies within the same Accounts Payable. Type YES if required; otherwise NO.
PLMULTPO Are multiple companies posting purchase orders into this Accounts Payable? If multiple companies post purchase orders into this Accounts Payable ledger and this key is set to YES, the Year-End Supplier Cleardown will check suppliers on the purchase orders in all licensed companies.
PLNLBANK Bank control accounts. These system keys define the General Ledger accounts to which cash is to be posted from the bank accounts in the Accounts Payable. Type one General Ledger account for each Accounts Payable bank account, for example, LL-OC4-401-500 or NW-OC4-401-501. Note that only a limited number of General Ledger bank accounts can be defined in the main part of the System Key Maintenance program. If any more bank accounts are used, define them through the F2 option. The format of the system key name is PLNLBANKxx, where xx corresponds to the Accounts Payable bank code, for example, PLNLBANKBB for the bank code BB.
PLNLCLAW The default VAT Clawback G/L account. If VAT claw back is being used, i.e. POCLAWVAT is set to YES , enter a valid General Ledger posting code representing the default VAT claw back account, e.g. 001-02-VAT-CLW . If any VAT code has been set up with a blank VAT claw back account, the default held in this system key will be used.
PLNLLASTx Last G/L posting period for internal companies. This system key is only used if you are running the Accounts Payable as internal multi-company, and the Accounts Payable and General Ledger are partially integrated. This system key holds the last period the distributions were posted to the General Ledger, for each internal company, where x represents the company prefix. This means that you must create a separate system key for each internal company, and that the options to generate and post General Ledger distributions will have to be run for each company. Once each system key is set to the specific period, each one will be updated automatically once distributions for the relevant company have been posted. Note that only a limited number of company prefixes can be entered for this system key in the main part of the System Key Maintenance program. If any more companies are used, enter the prefixes through the F2 option. The format of the system key name is PLNLLASTx , where x corresponds to the company prefix, for example, PLNLLASTE for company E.
PLNLPOST Post directly to General Ledger? Type YES if the Accounts Payable and General Ledger are to be fully integrated. Type NO if these two modules are partially integrated or if the General Ledger is not installed. If your system also integrates with Project Accounting, the error journal includes the project codes. Posting to Project Accounting only takes place if the General Ledger posing is successful. Any remapping of project codes takes place before any postings.
PLNLREF Type OURREF if you want the invoice registration number to be used as the identifier for the purchase invoice or credit note transaction within the General Ledger when posted. Type INVOICE if you want the purchase invoice/credit note number to be used as the identifier of invoices or credit notes within the General Ledger when posted.
PLOURCFORM Format of credit 'our reference'. If you are to generate registration ('our ref') numbers for credit notes automatically, this system key is where you define the format of the sequential credit note batch numbers. The valid characters that can be used are as follows: A pound sign or a # sign will define an incremental character that will change as the sequential number progresses. The letter C will define a constant character that will not change as the sequential number progresses. For example, if the number format is CC##### and your first number is AA00001, your second number would be AA00002.
PLOURIFORM Format of invoice 'our reference'. If you are to generate registration ('our ref') numbers for invoices automatically, this system key is where you define the format of the sequential invoice batch numbers. The valid characters that can be used are as follows: A pound sign or a # sign will define an incremental character that will change as the sequential number progresses. The letter C will define a constant character that will not change as the sequential number progresses. For example, if the number format is CC##### and your first number is AA00001, your second number would be AA00002.
PLPARTCASH Is partial allocation of cash allowed? Type YES to allow cash payments and journals to be allocated against items without closing off the items. Otherwise, type NO.
PLPAYREF This system key is used by projects DA0904 and DA1161. Does the payment reference replace the invoice number? If either DA0904 or DA1161 is licensed and this key is set to YES, the system will use the payment reference as a replacement invoice number.

This system key is used by projects DA0904 and DA1161. It defines the second reference format for type B (BACS) payments. The format consists of:

  • a prefix, where the length of the prefix is defined by any number of C characters, and
  • a sequential number, where the length of the incremented sequential number is defined by a number of # symbols.

For example CCCC######.

For type B payments within a batch the second reference prefix is constant. The sequential number is incremented. If there is no sequential number then only the second reference prefix is used.


This system key is used by projects DA0904 and DA1161. It defines the second reference format for type T (credit transfers) payments. The format consists of:

  • a prefix, where the length of the prefix is defined by any number of C characters, and
  • a sequential number, where the length of the incremented sequential number is defined by a number of # symbols.

For example CCCC######.

For type T payments within a batch the second reference prefix is constant. The sequential number is incremented. If these is no sequential number then only the second reference prefix is used.

PLPAYREFU This system key is used by projects DA0904 and DA1161. Is the payment reference unique? If either DA0904 or DA1161 is licensed and this system key is set to YES, the payment reference must be unique.
PLPAYTERMS Default payment terms. Standard terms used for calculating invoice due dates. These terms are used for suppliers with a blank `payment terms' field on their records in the Supplier file. The value must be in the format Innn, where nnn is the number of days after the invoice date when the invoice becomes due; or Ennn, where nnn is the number of days after the end of the current month when the invoice becomes due. For example: I30 Invoice date + 30 days. E20 20th day of the next month. I0 Cash on delivery. E0 End of the current month. Non-standard terms used by individual suppliers must be set up on the records for the accounts concerned. Note that the due date on credit notes will be the same as the date the credit note was entered, or the current system date. Credit notes will not use this system key.
PLPAYTYPE Default payment type. The value in this system key is displayed as one of the default options in the Remittance Advice program. Type one of the following: C = Cheque, T = Credit transfer, B = BACS, M = Cheques and credit transfers are handwritten.
PLPERIOD Accounts Payable period. Type the number of the current period, for example, 06 for the sixth period in the accounting year. The value must lie in the range from 01 to the number of periods in the accounting year defined by the system key LASTPERIOD . Set this system key before starting `live' operations in the Accounts Payable. Thereafter, it will be updated automatically by the Period-End program.
PLPERSxxxx Posting period range allowed for user group xxxx. This key defines the posting period ranges allowed for Accounts Payable per user group. Type up to four characters as a suffix to this system key representing the user group. For example, if your user group was OPER, create the system key PLPERSOPER . The user group is defined in the User Profiles option within the System Manager module. Type a start and end period range, offset from the current period, in one of the following formats: CURRENT The current period. -i TO +j e.g. -2 TO +1. CURRENT TO +j e.g CURRENT TO +1. -i TO CURRENT e.g. -1 TO CURRENT. A blank or missing key defaults to CURRENT. Note that certain conditions cannot be met. For example, if CURRENT TO -3 was allowed, and the module was in period 2, technically , the last period of the previous year would be valid. In practice, you cannot specify a previous year. For example, if you have two user groups MNGR and OPER , you could allow users in the group MNGR to have a posting period range of the current period plus two periods while allowing users in the group OPER to only use the current period only. The keys would be set up as follows: PLPERSMNGR CURRENT TO +2. PLPERSOPER CURRENT Note that is possible to define a key PLPERS with no specific user group attached.
PLPMTCHG This system key is only relevant if your system is licensed to use Open Item Flexible Reallocation (DA0800). This key holds the Cash Management Service Code to be used to specify the Cash charge payment when rejecting (dishonouring) payment items. This code may be overwritten within Rejected Payments.
PLPOSTAUTH Allow posting of authorised invoices only? This system key is only needed if some invoices require authorisation (i.e. PLAUTH is set to YES). It restricts the posting of invoice batches. Set PLPOSTAUTH to YES to prevent all invoices from being posted through the Invoices program, even if individual transactions do not require authorisation. All invoices will be held in the Batch file, and can only be posted to the Open Item file when they are selected through the Authorised Invoice Posting program. Set PLPOSTAUTH to NO if batches of invoices that do not need authorisation can be posted through the Invoices program. The invoices that require authorisation will be held on file until they are selected through the Authorised Invoice Posting program.
PLPREPAYCT This system key is used in Accounts Payable when project DA1236-Prepayments is licensed and prepayments are processed. Type DEBIT if the initial Prepayment Control account posting is a DEBIT posting – if this system key does not exist the prepayments functionality works as if this system key is set to DEBIT. Type CREDIT if the initial Prepayment Control account posting is a CREDIT posting.
Warning: If this system key is added or changed so that the initial Prepayment Control account posting changes from a debit posting to a credit posting, or vice versa, a General Ledger Journal must be created and posted to correct the prepayment General Ledger codes if there are any unallocated prepayments.
Other General Ledger prepayment postings will be guided by this system key.
PLPRINTBAT Print batch prior to posting? Type YES if you wish to automatically print batch details for invoices, cash and journal batches prior to posting. Type NO if batch details are not to be printed automatically prior to posting.
PLPRREMAP Remap G/L posting codes at A/P posting? Type YES if G/L codes are to be remapped at A/P posting.
PLREGCONT Allow VAT Contra Registers in Invoice Registration? This system key affects the VAT Register in the option Invoice Registration. Type YES if a Contra VAT Register is to be retained. Type NO if the Contra VAT Register is to be replaced by the Normal VAT Register.
PLREGDATE Ignore effective date if registered invoice posted? This system key affects the GL postings in the option 'Code and Post Registered Invoices'. When a registered invoice is posted and once it has been Phase 1 posted, checks are made to see if the previous GL postings should be reversed and new postings made. Type NO if a change to the effective date is to be taken into account. This will only apply if the change to the effective date means that the effective period/year has changed. Type YES if a change to the effective date is to be ignored.
PLREGFORCE Force Phase 1 posting of registered invoices? This system key controls the posting of registered invoices in AP and POP. Type YES to force Phase 1 posting of registered invoices by user. A user is only allowed the option of Phase 2 posting in AP, or normal posting in POP, if the user has relevant permissions on the User Activity record. Type NO to give any user the option.
PLREGVAT Allow VAT functions on phase 1 registered invoices when coding and posting? This system key affects the VAT function key options offered for phase 1 posted invoices in 'Code and Post Registered Invoices', when amending the detail lines. Type YES if the VAT function key options (F8-VAT, F11-CALC and F12-CHECK) are to be allowed, otherwise type NO.
PLREMPRNT Print Company name & address on Remittance Advices. Type YES if the computer is to print at the top of each remittance advice the name and address of the company held in the system keys COMPADDR1 to COMPADDR6. Type NO if this information is preprinted on the remittance advice forms.
PLREOSHORT This system key is only relevant if your system is licensed to use Open Item Flexible Reallocation (DA0800). This system key holds the transaction short name for posting A/P Re-open journals. If the control account selection by transaction shortname is used, this key is used to hold an alternative G/L account to which settlement discount and/or exchange difference associated with the reopened item will be posted.
PLRETPOST Have retention details been posted? This key flags whether or not invoices with retention details have been posted since the retention report was last run. The key is set to YES when an invoice containing invoice lines is posted. The key is reset to NO when the retention report is run.
PLRETSTAT Are supplier statements retrospective? Type YES if the transactions to be included on the statement are those with an effective date not later than the entered cut-off date and the entered Statement date. A further run-time option is available to override this setting. The printed values are the 'rolled back' values, i.e. the values as at either the Statement date or the entered cut-off date (whichever is the earlier). The aged values shown on the statements are aged by due/invoice date (as compared to the entered Statement date). Type NO to use the standard functionality, i.e. the item date and type, and the value of each item is printed. [ Applies to DA1244 only. ] Note: if statements are run retrospectively, this will cause a degradation in performance. Archiving of data will lessen the impact.

Determines the batch number for reverse invoices. This system key is only applicable if running a multi-company Accounts Payable, i.e. system key PLMULTCOMP is set to YES. Type SAME to use the same batch number as the batch containing the invoice being reversed. Type XXX, where X is any character, to append the defined characters to the company code, for example, if a reverse invoice is posted in a batch for company A and PLREVBATCH=REV, the batch number containing the invoice being reversed will be PIAREV. Leave blank if the user is to be prompted for a reverse batch number (the batch prefix, i.e. the company code, must be the same as the prefix used in the original batch number). [ Applies to DA1176 only. ]

PLREVNARR Determines the narrative text for reverse invoices. Type YES to set the description posted to the General Ledger posting code(s) for the credit note transaction to 'Credit invoice nnnnn', where nnnnn is the original invoice number or Our reference value (according to the setting of system key PLNLREF). Type NO to copy the narrative text for the description from the invoice being reversed. [ Applies to DA1176 only. ]
PLREVPRE The value to be used as a prefix for the second reference on a reverse invoice. You can use any text to a maximum of 10 characters but it is recommended that it be as short as possible. For example, if set to REV the remaining 7 characters of the field 2nd reference are set to the last 7 characters of the original invoice number or Our reference value (according to the setting of system key PLNLREF). Alternatively, leave blank. [ Applies to DA1176 only. ]
PLSEPCHEQ Remittance advices/cheques printed separately? Type YES if the remittance advices and cheques or credit transfers are printed on separate sets of stationery. Type NO if a cheque or credit transfer is to be printed immediately below the last page of the remittance advice for each supplier.
PLSEQOURR Force sequential numbering of invoices? You can choose whether to only allow the invoice registration ('our ref') number to be generated automatically within the Invoices option, or whether the numbers can be generated both manually and automatically. Type YES to only allow the 'our ref' number to be generated automatically. Type NO to allow both automatic and manual generation of 'our ref' numbers.
PLSEQSUPP Force sequential numbering of suppliers? Type YES if you only wish to allow purchase supplier numbers to be generated automatically when creating a new supplier. Type NO if you want to be able to generate supplier numbers manually as well as automatically, or only numbers generated manually.
PLSETTDUE Allow settlement discount due dates after the invoice due date. This system key is used in Accounts Payable options Invoice Entry and Change Open Item Status, and in the Purchase Order Processing option Invoice Entry. If set to NO (the default), settlement discount dates must always fall on or before the invoice due date. If set to YES, settlement discount dates can fall after the invoice due date. When the settlement discount date is manually entered to fall after the due date, a warning is given asking you to confirm or re-enter the date.
PLSINGLIST Single currency only payment types. A list of payment types where mixed currency payment lists are not allowed, can be left blank. Valid types are CPRTB e.g. CTB (no delimiters)
PLSTATF Print statements in foreign currency? Type YES if statements for foreign currency accounts are to be printed in the suppliers' currencies. Type NO if all statements are to be printed in the local currency. [ Applies to DA1244 only ]
PLSTATUS When are invoices usually paid? Standard payment status assigned to invoices when they are posted to the Open Item file. This status is used for suppliers with a blank `payment status' on their records. Leave blank if invoices are to be paid on either the due date or the last day on which settlement discount applies, if a settlement figure was entered with the invoice. Otherwise enter one of the following: P = Pay invoices immediately, B = Pay invoices immediately and mark them `payment pending'. These invoices will not be selected again for payment before the cash batch created with the remittances has been posted to the Open Item file, unless the operator specifically requests a remittance run to include items marked `payment pending'. See PLMARKPEND. H = Held invoices which stay on file until they are either released through the Change Open Item Status program, or they are settled through the Cash program. Non-standard payment statuses used with individual suppliers must be set up on the records for the accounts concerned.
PLSUPPBROW What order are records displayed in supplier browses? When DA0389 is licensed this key affects the order in which records are displayed in supplier browses. Valid entries are: CODE - display suppliers in code order, ALPHA - display suppliers in alpha code order, SELECT - choose which order when browsing. If DA1000 is also licensed; other values are allowed: NAME - display suppliers in name order, BANKACCT - display suppliers in bank account order, ADDRESS4 - display suppliers in address line 4 order, ADDRESS5 - display suppliers in address line 5 (telephone number) order, POSTCODE - display suppliers in postal code order.
PLSUPPFORM Format of supplier number. Use # to indicate an incremental character or C for constant. If you are to generate your supplier numbers automatically, you must decide on the format of the supplier number held in the system key PLLASTSUPP. The valid characters that can be used are as follows: A pound sign or a # symbol will define an incremental character that will change as the sequential number progresses. The letter C will define a constant character that will not change as the sequential number progresses. C267.
PLTAXCHECK Give a warning if posting and tax periods do not match? If you are using effective dates, when entering a transaction, the date entered is used in conjunction with the calendar specified in the key TAXPERCAL to obtain the tax period information. Type YES if you require a warning to be displayed when a transaction is entered and the posting period does not match the tax period. If you type NO, there is no warning given.
PLYEAR Accounts Payable year.

This system key governs the addresses copied from the Customer and Supplier table to any other table. Type O if the post code is to overwrite the fourth line of the address. Type C if the post code is to be joined to the information on the fourth line of the address, the postcode will appear at the right hand end (concatenated, post code right justified). If DA0263 US Sales Tax is licensed this setting will be the same as L when copying customer addresses. Type L if the post code is to appear to the right of the existing fourth address line, separated by one space (concatenated, post code left justified). Leave blank if the address is to remain unaltered.

