Reminder Letter Maintenance

This form allows you to create reminder letter forms for each of the following, ready for customisation of the letter text using the Sage Report Designer. You can also create up to 9 different forms for the header and footer parts of the letters:

  • A specified formset
  • Severity numbers (1-6)
  • Any reminder letter category
  • Any language.

There are two ways of creating reminder letters as follows:


To create reminder letter forms manually:


Complete the Letter format fields, as required:

Formset. Type in a code (up to 4 alphanumeric characters) to represent this set of letter formats, for example SET1.

This formset must also be defined in the User table against those users who will be generating the reminder letters. The system does not let you create or amend reminder letters defined under the default formset.

Severity. Type in a number from 1 to 6 for this letter format. 1 represents the least severely worded letter and 6 the most severely worded letter. You must set up letter formats for each severity you use.

Category. Type in a category for this set of letters, for example 01. This letter format will be printed for all customers having this category defined on their record.

Language. If you want to write the reminder letter in a language other than English, type in or use Browse (F2) to select, a language code.

2 Select Confirm (CR) .  

Use the arrow keys to select one of the following sections of the reminder letter for formatting, then select Confirm (CR):

Header (Cont)
Detail (Cont)
Footer (Cont).

4 Form number. This field is now displayed if you selected the header, footer, header (cont) or footer (cont) part of the letter. You can create up to 9 forms for both the header and footer. Type in a number between 1 and 9. If this field is left blank, the system assumes that the first form is required.  
5 To continue – select Confirm (CR).  

A message is displayed reminding you to use the Sage Report Designer, and displaying the form name you have just created.

Examples of what the application and form name represents is as follows:

sl, letter_format, 1_ _ _11 – this form is for severity 1, header, form number 1

sl, letter_format, 4_ _ _32 – this form is for severity 4, footer, form number 2


To continue – select Cancel (ESC).

You must now use the Sage Report Designer to modify the forms you have just created.


To create reminder letter forms automatically:


If the system key SLGENFORM is set to YES, you can create reminder letter forms for each formset and severity code automatically.


Complete the Letter format fields, as required:

These fields are mandatory. A set of 6 forms is created for each severity level. The severity level entered determines how many forms are created. For example, of you entered 6 in the Severity code, 36 forms are created. Existing forms are not overwritten. A message is displayed on the System Log, indicating any forms that already exist.



Select Create all (F8) to create the forms.

If you have not entered a Formset or Severity, messages are displayed reminding you to do so before continuing.


If the formset has not previously been created, a message is then displayed requesting you to confirm creation of the formset. Select CR to confirm or ESC to exit back to the main screen.

If system key SLLTFRMCPY is set to YES, you are prompted to copy existing old forms to the new name format. Forms with the old name format will not be removed from the user formset. If SLLTFRMCPY is set to NO, missing forms will be created using the old format.

The forms created, and any failures, are written to the System Log for reference. Examples of the type of forms created are shown above in Step 6.


Repeat Step 1 above to generate forms for another Formset or Severity as required, otherwise select ESC to exit.

You must now use the Sage Report Designer to modify the forms you have just created.

  • For manually created letters, default letter formats are provided for customisation. Before you can use Reminder Letter Maintenance, the following default forms must be copied to your user formset:
    • sl, letter_format, default_header
    • sl, letter_format, default_detail
    • sl, letter_format, default_footer
  • There is currently a limit to the number of new format letter forms that can be output in a single run of Reminder Letters. This has been set to 18 to allow for up to 6 different combinations of the "category", "severity" and "language" values per PDF document generated. Once this limit is reached, additional PDF documents are automatically created as required.
  • To ensure that the letters are split for each new customer, you need to set up your system to use the Print Bursting functionality. Without this functionality enabled, all the letters are output on a single report.


Application: (sl) letter_maintenance Form: main, main.form_number, main.section